Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

fOrgEt hIm!!!!!

Forget his name
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His warm emtrace
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember he has someone new
Forget him when they played your song
Remember when you cried all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember he has chosen her
Forget how you memorized his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the things he used to say
Remember he has gone away
Forget his laugh forget his grin
Forget his dimples on his chin
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember he’s with her tonight
Forget the time that went so fast
Forget the love that moved, its past
Forget he said he’d leave you never
Remember he’s gone forever…


When we meet a few months ago
You were like no one I know
I was attracted to discover the unknown
To find your secret on my own
Why you??
That was the question
The only answer was attraction
But I manage to solve the puzzle
Putting all the pieces together
At this moment
I saw you are a unique wonderful creature
You are not an ordinary human
And no one else has something in common
You have the warmth of the sun
That melts all ice around
You have the brightness of a star
That we can see twinkle though too far
You have the tender power of spring
That can revival almost everything
You have the firmness of a mountain
That is appreciated by everyone
You have the insistence of the ocean
That gives its waves in non-stopping motion
You have the generosity of the rain
That never let a plant complain
You have all the nature glory
That can’t be put in a poem or a story

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

.:: my first post ::.

wuwuwu...mengong ak nih...wat blog ni dh lme tp x prnh m'apdet pon...

..ari ni de sorg abg kt opis tnya how 2 create a blog kt ak..erkkk...tbe2 bru ak igt ak pon de blog yg x prnh ak usik...msih suci murni lg...wahahahaha...

...ok2...tyme to do some work..nnt bos mrh seyh...mau melenyapkn dri dl...daa~~